MOE 1.2 Support Landed in LibGDX

Our Pull Request to update the Multi-OS Engine backend in LibGDX was already merged (Thanks Tom-Ski!), and it should be available in the latest nightly build.

To try it out, just follow these steps:

  • Install MOE 1.2 into your IDE of choice (Android Studio / IntelliJ or Eclipse)
  • Download the nightly build of gdx-setup.jar
  • Generate a new GDX project with gdx-setup
  • Make sure that you select the ios-moe backend
  • In the generated build.gradle file change the gdxVersion to 1.9.5-SNAPSHOT
  • Import the project as Gradle project into your IDE
  • Create a run / launch configuration and start the app
  • Enjoy!

Note: If you want to run your app on a real device with Xcode 8, you need to configure code signing correctly. For more details, please refer to our documentation.


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